Book Summary :The Twelve Universal Laws of Success by Herbert Harris

The Twelve Universal Laws of Success By Herbert Harris

The Twelve Universal Laws of Success is written primarily for those who have done well in life. Giving credit where credit is due, the fact that you are reading this book means that you have already succeeded where many of your generation have failed. You have survived.

You have good health and a decent job. However, from time to time, you may find yourself with more months at the end of your money. You probably own a house and a car, and you’ve done your best to raise good children who, hopefully, are or will soon be self-sustaining.

At this point, you desire to do whatever it takes to acquire the knowledge, techniques, and associations needed to create a better life for yourself. The fact that you are seriously reading this book—what we call “being on the path”—clearly indicates that you are close to obtaining what you need and achieving what you want.

All you need is a few key insights, some improvement and refinement of your habits and techniques, and one or two people who can assist or guide you on your journey. This new insight, combined with your existing experience, will guide you toward achieving your goals, realizing your vision, and becoming the person you want to be.

This book is also a valuable guide for the young person who is just starting on their own. It provides valuable techniques, knowledge, and understanding that can help avoid the pitfalls that often confront novices. Applying the information in this book will put you on the fast track to success and accomplishment at an early age. Those unique historical figures who made their mark on the world generally mastered the key principles outlined in this book at an early age.

Using This Book Most Effectively

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The Twelve Universal Laws of Success by Herbert Harris Book Details

Publisher Lifeskill Institute, Inc.; Super Achiever Edition. (November 15, 2017)
Language English
Paperback 224 pages
ISBN-10 0974836281
ISBN-13 978-0974836287

 About The Author Herbert Harris

He was a university student when he entered his junior year of high school. He received a special scholarship to attend Columbia University without first completing high school. After graduating from Columbia University with a B.A. degree, majoring in physics, Mr. Harris conducted research in theoretical and high-energy physics.

Leaving the scientific arena, Herbert worked at Time Magazine in New York City before launching a freelance writing career that eventually evolved into a nationally syndicated newspaper column called Thoughts for Success. This column is syndicated to over 100 newspapers.

A collection of these newspaper articles was assembled into a book called Power Thoughts for Your Success.

Mr. Harris teamed up with Lucien Farrar to write How to Make Money in Music, a highly popular guidebook to the music industry, published by Arco/Prentice Hall.

Herbert Harris took advantage of the New York State Clerkship Law to become a lawyer without attending law school. Under the tutelage of distinguished New York attorney Benjamin Sneed, Harris taught himself law and passed the New York State Bar Examination. Herbert is likely the last person to be admitted to practice law in the State of New York without ever attending law school.

After operating his law firm for many years, Mr. Harris retired from his law practice to pursue a full-time writing and lecturing career.

Herbert has always been a student, actively pursuing his religious, esoteric, philosophical, and metaphysical studies in Africa, Israel, Egypt, and wherever else he had to go.

His latest book, The Twelve Universal Laws of Success, provides an organized, straightforward, step-by-step approach to basic success principles and the laws under which they operate. This book has attracted worldwide attention and has been translated into many languages, including Chinese, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Mr. Harris has conducted numerous seminars, workshops, and lectures at churches, universities, and corporations throughout the country, including First Church of Religious Science, University of North Carolina, Ohio State University, African Methodist Episcopal Church, Lucent Technologies, Small Business Technology Development Centers, Chambers of Commerce, and National Safety Associates.

Check Also: Finish What You Start: The Art of Following Through – Taking Action – Executing & Self-Discipline by Peter Hollins

The Twelve Universal Laws of Success by Herbert Harris Table of Contents

  • Dedication and Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • For Whom This Book Is Written
  • Using This Book Most Effectively
    • The SQ3R Study Method
  • The Truth About Success
    • Nine Rules For Becoming A Success
    • Levels of Consciousness
    • Harmonic Relationships
    • Use of the Bible
    • The Process By Which Thoughts Become Things
    • The Four Realizations of Life
    • The Four Stages of Life
      • The First Stage of Life
      • The Second Stage of Life
      • The Third Stage of Life
      • The Fourth Stage of Life
    • Four Types of People in the World
  • Chapter I: The Universal Law of Thought
    • Self-Image
    • Things Which Affect Your Self-Image
    • Five Signals of a Poor Self-Image
    • Twelve Ways To Improve Your Self-Image
  • Chapter II: The Universal Law of Change
    • Fundamental Aspects of the Universal Law of Change
    • Obstacles To Change
  • Chapter III: The Universal Law of Vision
    • Two Aspects of the Universal Law of Vision
    • Types of Goals
    • Choosing Your Goals
    • Six Qualities Every Goal Should Have
    • Categories of Goals
    • Purpose
    • How to Develop Your Purpose
    • The Rhythms of Life
    • Seven Guidelines for Establishing Your Purpose
    • Imagination
    • Types of Imagination
    • How to Develop Your Creative Imagination
    • Three Steps to Increase Your Creativity
    • Four Ways to Develop Your Creativity
  • Chapter IV: The Universal Law of Command
    • The Universal Law of Affirmation
    • The Law of Command Works Positively or Negatively
    • Twelve Affirmations To Live By
    • Daily Affirmation
    • Programming Your Life
  • Chapter V: The Universal Law of Human Magnetism
    • Attitude
    • Components of Attitude
    • Overcoming Fear
    • The Six Basic Fears
    • Worry
    • Seven-Point Formula For Eliminating Worry
    • Enthusiasm
    • Types of Enthusiasm
    • How to Generate Enthusiasm
  • Chapter VI: The Universal Law of Focus
    • The Power of Focus
    • How to Overcome Lack of Focus
    • The Saboteur Within
    • Self-Discipline
    • Anger
    • Seven Ways to Improve Your Self-Discipline
  • Chapter VII: The Universal Law of Action
    • Right Work
    • How to Find Your Right Work
    • Evaluating Your Present Position
    • Success Planning
    • Nine-Step Method to Make a Success Plan
    • Formula For Achieving Your Goals
    • How To Overcome Obstacles
    • Nine-Point Formula for Situation Resolution
  • Chapter VIII: The Universal Law of Value
    • Four Aspects of the Universal Law of Value
      • Time
      • Thoughts
      • Actions
      • Money
    • The Four Principles of Wealth
    • Mastering the Riddle of Survival
    • How to Create Wealth
    • Compound Interest
    • Projection Table
    • Network Marketing Overview
  • Chapter IX: The Universal Law of Relationships
    • The Four Basic Relationships
    • Harmonic Relationship with God
    • Harmonic Relationship With Yourself
    • Harmonic Relationships with Other People
    • Nine Ways to Improve Your Relationship With Other People
    • Words and Phrases to Help Develop Positive Relationships
    • The Master Mind Principle
    • Conducting a Mastermind Meeting
    • Eight Steps of the Master Mind Process
    • Harmonic Relationship With Things
  • Chapter X: The Universal Law of Supply
    • Opportunity Is Always Right Where You Are
  • Chapter XI: The Universal Law of Persistence
    • I AM. I WILL.
    • Obstacles to Persistence
    • How To Overcome Procrastination
    • Eight Ways To Develop The Habit Of Persistence
  • Chapter XII: The Universal Law of Truth
    • The Nine Elements Of Truth
    • Mastering The Power Of Truth
    • Truth Principles
      • The Principle of Perfection
      • The Principle of Prayer
      • The Principle of Forgiveness
      • The Principle of Motive
      • The Principle of Right Judgment
      • The Principle of Discernment
    • The Law of Cause and Effect
  • Epilogue: Today Is Yesterday’s Tomorrow
  • About the Author
  • LifeSkill® Seminars and Workshops
  • Membership/Order Form
  • What Reviewers Are Saying

Chapter I: The Universal Law of Thought

Your heart is the center of your true feelings and emotions. It is always focused on the things that are important to you, your value system, and how you feel about yourself. For example, if you have the thought that financial independence is one of your primary objectives in life, then financial independence should begin to manifest in your life over a reasonable period of time. If it does not, then look into your inner feelings.

Inside, you may feel, for whatever reasons, that you are not worthy of financial independence. If you do not feel, in your heart— in your basic feeling nature about yourself—that you deserve the things, conditions, or circumstances that you describe in your thoughts, then they will not happen for you. They will not manifest in your life experience.

The essence of the Universal Law of Thought and Manifestation is that a thought has two basic aspects:

  1. A rational aspect— the statement of the thought itself, the idea, the words.
  2. An emotional aspect— the personal feelings and emotions associated with the thought.

Chapter II: The Universal Law of Change

“Be not conformed to this world …” means that you are not locked into the current circumstances, situations, associations, challenges, and so on that exist in your life right now. You do not have to remain in your present condition.

“Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind …” means that you can be changed or transformed from your present condition by introducing a new thought, a new state of consciousness, into your mind. In other words, you can change your life from whatever it is right now (this world) to anything you want it to be by changing your thinking, your frame of reference about yourself.

Taking the first and second universal laws of success together, the first law states that your experience of life depends on your thinking. The second law asserts that the life you are experiencing right now can be changed by changing your thinking.

Some people seem to be successful in whatever they do. It doesn’t seem to matter which political party is in charge or how the economy as a whole is doing. Because they keep their thinking centered on the positive aspects of the results they wish to accomplish, they achieve those results, no matter the external circumstances.

Chapter III: The Universal Law of Vision

When you have no vision of where you want to go with your life, you will be miserable and fail to achieve fulfillment. Your vision of the life you would like to experience must be crystal clear in your mind. See the vision in great detail—internalize it through your senses. Know how it looks, feels, smells, sounds, and tastes. By fully expressing your vision through your senses—your feeling nature—you energize it and harmonize it with the universal force that makes it happen in your life experience.

The “law” referred to in the second line of this scripture is the First Universal Law of Success, the Law of Thought and Manifestation. When you recognize (your vision), you energize it (through your feelings). What you energize (through your feelings), you realize (in your life experience).

Chapter IV: The Universal Law of Command

One of the most important keys to success is your ability to use the Universal Law of Command to get what you want in life. By applying this universal law, you can stimulate the universal cosmic forces that make desires and dreams manifest.

The Law of Command is illustrated throughout the Bible. For example, according to the first chapter of Genesis, the world was spoken or commanded into existence:

“And God said, ‘Let there be light:’ and there was light.”
“And God said, ‘Let there be a firmament…’ and it was so.”
“And God said, ‘Let the waters under the heaven…’ and it was so.”
—Genesis 1:3, 6, 9

Chapter V: The Universal Law of Human Magnetism

The Fifth Universal Law of Success is the Universal Law of Human Magnetism. It is sometimes called the Universal Law of Radiation and Attraction. This law is stated in Galatians 6:7:

A simple statement of the Fifth Universal Law is:
Like Attracts Like.

The basic principle of the Universal Law of Human Magnetism is that you attract what you are, and you are what you think about most of the time.

Each of us is a human magnet, attracting or repelling thoughts, feelings, and associations into our life experiences. This Universal Law of Radiation and Attraction reveals one of the fundamental principles of life—that life is lived from within, out. Whatever the vision of your desired life experience, it will only manifest when you feel, in your innermost feelings, that you are worthy of it. This desired outcome has its greatest impact when it is in harmony with your purpose.

Chapter VI: The Universal Law of Focus

The Sixth Universal Law of Success is the Universal Law of Focus and Discipline. This law states that your attention must always be directed towards your goals, vision, and purpose; and that your thoughts, emotions, and actions must be under your control.

Metaphysically, this means that understanding, knowledge, and wisdom (light) come through what you see—what you give your attention to. If you focus your attention (thine eye be single) on your objectives, you will achieve them on the grandest scale. The more focused you are, the more successful you will become. Being focused means exerting self-control to ensure no one or nothing can deter or distract you from your goals and vision.

The Power of Focus

Wherever you place your focus, your thoughts, emotions, and even events and activities will follow. For instance, race car drivers are taught to focus on where they want the car to go. When a car spins, drivers tend to focus on the wall, which often leads them to hit it. Instead, they are trained to focus on the center of the track, which helps them avoid the wall and navigate the spin successfully.

Applying the Law of Thought: Seven Ways to Improve Your Self-Discipline

  1. Believe in Your Success
    Have complete faith in your abilities and take immediate action. Believe that you can succeed and set about doing just that.
  2. Roll with the Punches
    Don’t give in to pressures or sweat the small stuff. If you handle the big things, the small things will fall into place.
  3. Get Busy Achieving Your Goals
    Focus on your plans and actions. By staying busy with your goals, you will move past doubts about their feasibility.
  4. Stay Hopeful
    Avoid falling into a rut. Hope is vital to life and success. Maintain a positive outlook and keep hope alive.
  5. Have Confidence in Finding Solutions
    Trust that there is always a solution to any problem. Reframe difficult tasks or situations in a way that makes finding a solution easier. For instance, if facing a challenging task, ask yourself, “How can I complete this task and enjoy the process?”
  6. Keep Going and Growing
    Be enthusiastic about your progress each day. Affirm, “Every day, in every way, I am getting better.”
  7. Be a Self-Starter
    Act now and avoid procrastination. Don’t wait for others to motivate you. Begin each day with a proactive, winning attitude.

The Universal Law of Focus and Discipline emphasizes that your attention must be consistently directed toward your goals, vision, and purpose. Self-discipline is the practice of maintaining focus. It is a learned behavior that must be developed and perfected. With self-discipline, external discipline becomes unnecessary.

Chapter VII: The Universal Law of Action

The Seventh Universal Law of Success is the Law of Action. This universal law governs the manner or method of performing the activities of life. It is the methodology by which the principles of success are implemented on a day-to-day, moment-to-moment basis. The Law of Action encompasses your behavior, conduct, habits, and methods of operation. It is the process through which your thoughts and feelings become the things and experiences of your life.

All that is written in this book and in all other instruments of enlightenment is worthless unless you put these ideas and principles into action.

On a practical level, the Universal Law of Action focuses on the following:

  1. The work (employment) you perform for material survival.
  2. Planning your actions to produce desired results.
  3. Achieving your goals and vision of life.
  4. Overcoming obstacles and challenges that confront you.

The Universal Law of Action sets forth the methodology by which the principles of success are implemented on a day-to-day basis. It is the operating procedure by which your thoughts and feelings become the things and experiences of your life. A success plan is an organized course of action that allows you to produce desired results. It is the blueprint of your vision. Your success plan is developed using a nine-step procedure. Once your success plan is made, follow the thirteen-step process to attain your goals. Eliminate the words “obstacle” and “problem” from your vocabulary and thinking. Situations or challenges that arise in the execution of your plan may be handled through a systematic process of situation resolution.

Chapter VIII: The Universal Law of Value

The Eighth Universal Law of Success is the Universal Law of Value and Mutual Exchange. This law encompasses the interactions that take place between different levels of consciousness. It highlights the importance of ensuring that your interactions are with individuals who are on a level of consciousness commensurate with your own. All things have a level of consciousness.

Four Aspects of the Universal Law of Value:

  1. Time
  2. Thoughts
  3. Actions
  4. Money

The Four Principles of Wealth:

  1. Mastering the Riddle of Survival
  2. How to Create Wealth
  3. Compound Interest
  4. Projection Table

Network Marketing Overview

The Universal Law of Value and Mutual Exchange directs you not to waste your treasures—the things that are important to you—on people, places, or things that are beneath your level of consciousness. For example, if you share your values of fairness, honesty, and truthfulness with someone who operates from a consciousness of dishonesty and deceit, that person may respond negatively. Despite how much you care about them, they can only interact with you according to their level of consciousness, which might lead to behavior such as lying, cheating, or stealing.

Chapter IX: The Universal Law of Relationships

The Ninth Universal Law of Success is the Universal Law of Relationships. Every step of your success journey will involve relationships. The extent to which you are able to develop positive, gratifying, and empowering relationships will determine whether and to what degree you achieve your goals and realize your vision.

The Four Basic Relationships:

  1. Relationship with God
  2. Relationship with Self
  3. Relationship with Others
  4. Relationship with Things

When these relationships are healthy and positive, they are referred to as harmonic relationships.

Harmonic relationships are those that are positive, encouraging, nurturing, and productive. They lead to good health, happiness, love, success, prosperity, and desired outcomes. Harmonic relationships are based on truth, knowledge, understanding, faith, courage, self-confidence, and respect.

On the other hand, non-harmonic relationships are characterized by negative and unproductive thoughts, habits, and feelings rooted in ignorance, fear, doubt, dishonesty, and indecision.

Chapter X: The Universal Law of Supply

The Tenth Universal Law of Success is the Universal Law of Supply and Opportunity. Everything necessary for an abundant life is ever-present and always available. Opportunity is infinite—there is an endless supply of whatever you need, wherever you are.

It is not the physical, sensual, or material things that embody the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is a state of mind, a condition of consciousness in which the mind, body, and soul are in harmony with the Divine Mind. Specifically, it is that state of consciousness in which your conscious, subconscious, and super-conscious minds are in alignment with the God Mind.

The kingdom of God also represents a projection of Divine Ideas, the universal rhythms, into your own mind. Thus, the kingdom of God is the kingdom of thoughts and ideas. Practically, the Universal Law of Supply states that you should seek thoughts and ideas first.

To obtain the health, wealth, and happiness you desire, look within yourself first for thoughts and ideas that align with health, wealth, and happiness. To make these thoughts and ideas manifest in your life, you must do more than just think about them—you must take action. You must seek the kingdom. Actively, intelligently, and continuously pursue these thoughts and ideas. Know that you will experience health, wealth, and happiness as a result of your efforts.

Do not worry, fear, or doubt. Keep your thoughts centered on the vision you wish to realize in your life. Believe in that vision and have faith in your own ability to achieve it.

Understand that the Universal Law of Supply guarantees that there is no lack or limitation in the Divine Mind. There is always an endless supply of whatever you need to get whatever you want. Scarcity, lack, and limitation exist only in your mind. Since you control the thoughts that fill your mind, you can achieve anything you want, have anything you desire, and be whatever you aspire to be.

If you think abundance in your thoughts, see abundance in your imagination—your mind’s eye, feel abundance in your heart, and believe in abundance in your soul, you will experience abundance in your life.

Simply put, when you are in harmony with the Universal Laws of Success, whatever you attempt will work, and whatever you need will appear.

Chapter XI: The Universal Law of Persistence

The Eleventh Universal Law of Success is the Universal Law of Persistence and Results. Simply stated, it provides: If you persist in doing the right things, you will get the right results. Biblically, the Universal Law of Persistence and Results is:

When you persist in your efforts to achieve a desired result, you are asking the Universal Mind—the God Mind—to grant you that desired result in your life experience.

Persistence is the one trait that virtually all successful people have in common. It is the sustained effort you must exert to cultivate faith in your own ability to achieve the desired results in your endeavors. Your persistence reflects your belief in your own abilities and skills. The more persistent you are about achieving a particular outcome, the greater your belief in yourself and your capabilities.

Without persistence, you will not be successful. Each of us is endowed with the power of persistence, though sometimes we use this power in the wrong direction, focusing on the wrong things. Some people are more persistent in pursuing failure than in pursuing success.

Persistence must always be combined with intelligence. The age-old saying, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,” should be clarified by adding: try again in different and better ways. Do not get bogged down by being persistent with ineffective methods. It is much more rewarding to be persistent in finding new and better methods to achieve your desired results.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. When you are persistent in your efforts, the law of averages works in your favor. The harmonic universe is filled with both positive and negative experiences. When you persist through the negative experiences and keep moving forward—no matter what—you position yourself to benefit when the positive experiences begin to flow. In fact, it is the faith generated by your persistence that attracts positive experiences in the first place.

When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.

Chapter XII: The Universal Law of Truth

And what is this truth that makes you free? The truth that makes you free is your basic understanding of the universe, the laws and principles by which it operates, and how you fit into that universe. Truth is the foundation of the universe.

The Law of Truth is the foundation on which you build your life. Mastering the universal laws of success will guide you on your success journey to your goals, vision, and purpose. Integrated into the success laws are truth principles that facilitate interpretation and implementation.

The Nine Elements of Truth:

  1. There is a First Cause. Whether we call it God, Universal Force, Divine Mind, The Creator, or by any other name, it is the same First Cause. Call it The Creator.
  2. This Creator has an intelligence that operates through order and principle.
  3. This intelligence, through order and principle, is all-powerful, all-knowing, and everywhere at once.
  4. This intelligence, operating through order and principle, embodies the power of truth, which is whole and complete, encompassing the positive and the negative of all things—the good, the bad, life, and death.
  5. Everything created in the universe embodies this power of truth, through intelligence, order, and principle, in accordance with its nature.
  6. Humankind was created in the nature and image of The Creator and endowed with certain inalienable rights and powers by this Creator.
  7. These rights and powers of humankind are maximized when they are congruent and harmonic with the power of truth as established by The Creator.
  8. The Universal Laws of Success are an integral part of the power of truth, which guides humankind to a harmonic relationship with the universe and the Creator.
  9. When these elements of truth are studied, practiced, internalized, and mastered, you will know the truth, and you will be free.

Mastering The Power of Truth

Master the Twelve Universal Laws of Success to guide you on your journey to your goals, vision, and purpose. Digest and understand these laws as simple, concise statements of truth that you can quickly and automatically articulate in your consciousness.

The following is a concise statement of the Twelve Universal Laws of Success:

  1. The Universal Law of Thought: You become what you think about most of the time. What you recognize, you energize. What you energize, you realize.
  2. The Universal Law of Change: You change your life by changing your thinking.
  3. The Universal Law of Vision: What you see clearly in your thoughts is what you get in your life experience.
  4. The Universal Law of Command: What you say is what you get.
  5. The Universal Law of Human Magnetism: Like attracts like. Be the person you want to be to attract the people you want to meet, the experiences you wish to have, and the possessions you seek to enjoy.
  6. The Universal Law of Focus and Discipline: Keep your eye on the prize. All distractions are equal and equally counterproductive. Keep yourself under control at all times.
  7. The Universal Law of Action: How to be most effective in doing what must be done.
  8. The Universal Law of Value and Mutual Exchange: Invest your time, thoughts, energies, and money wisely and effectively. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
    • “If your outflow exceeds your income, your upkeep becomes your downfall.” —Russell Hemphill
  9. The Universal Law of Relationships: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
    • “If you want to have friends, be friendly.” —Elder Linwood Nesbitt
  10. The Universal Law of Supply and Opportunity: There is always enough of just what you need.
  11. The Universal Law of Persistence and Results: A winner never quits, and a quitter never wins. Hang tough and keep rolling.
  12. The Law of Truth: The truth shall make you free.

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