Book Summary: Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One by Joe Dispenza

Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One by Joe Dispenza

Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One by Joe Dispenza explores the science of changing one’s mind and provides practical techniques to make positive changes in life.

Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One by Joe Dispenza Introduction

Embark on a transformative journey with our guide on breaking the habit of being yourself, The Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One is not just about theories; it uses scientific concepts to help you make lasting life changes. Understand the deep connection between your mind and body, and use this knowledge to transcend your past conditioning.

Learn about the revolutionary science of quantum physics and its impact on your reality. Discover the power of thoughts and how they shape your world. Dive into the practice of meditation, a critical tool to rewire your brain and unlock a new destiny. Say goodbye to survival mode and embrace creation.

With the book, not only will you learn, but you will apply.

The book reveals that the brain can be changed and rewired through thought alone and that subtle shifts in the way we use our brains can lead to life-affirming changes in our bodies, lives, and relationships.

Several key themes and concepts :

  1. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: The introduction starts with the idea that breaking the habit of being yourself is one of the greatest transformations you can make. It emphasizes that many self-help approaches lack scientific grounding, but recent research in neuroscience, brain function, and physics offers new possibilities for personal growth.
  2. Scientific Foundations and Personal Observation: The author, a chiropractor, and educator in neuroscience and related fields, shares insights from both personal experience and scientific research. They have observed significant health improvements in individuals who changed their mindset, leading them to explore the connection between mind and body.
  3. Building Practical Applications: The introduction explains that this book is intended as a practical guide, following up on the author’s previous work, “Evolve Your Brain.” The goal is to make complex scientific concepts accessible and actionable, showing readers how to apply these principles to their lives.
  4. Mind and Matter Interrelation: It discusses the importance of understanding how the mind and body are interconnected and how changes in one can influence the other. The book aims to demystify scientific principles and empower readers to apply them for personal transformation.
  5. The Journey from Philosopher to Practitioner: The author encourages readers to experiment with the concepts in the book, apply them in their lives, and observe the results. The idea is to move from understanding concepts theoretically (philosopher) to implementing them practically (initiate) and eventually mastering them (master).
  6. Empowerment through Change: The text emphasizes that true empowerment comes from examining and challenging one’s beliefs and conditioning. It calls for a brave exploration of new paradigms and letting go of outdated beliefs to embrace personal and societal transformation.
  7. Change as a Choice: The introduction highlights the choice between changing out of necessity (due to crisis) versus choosing to change proactively. It encourages embracing change with joy and inspiration rather than waiting for discomfort or crisis to prompt action.
  8. Knowledge and Application: The book is divided into three parts, focusing on building a comprehensive understanding and then applying that knowledge practically. Repetition and reinforcement of ideas are used to help readers integrate and retain the concepts for effective personal transformation.

Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One by Joe Dispenza Table Of Contents

The Greatest Habit You Can Ever Break Is the Habit of Being

PART I: The Science of You
Chapter 1: The Quantum You
Chapter 2: Overcoming Your Environment
Chapter 3: Overcoming Your Body
Chapter 4: Overcoming Time
Chapter 5: Survival vs. Creation

PART II: Your Brain and Meditation
Chapter 6: Three Brains: Thinking to Do to Being
Chapter 7: Meditation: Demystifying the Mystical
Chapter 8: Waves of Your Future

PART III: Stepping Toward Your New Destiny
Chapter 9: The Meditative Process: Introduction and Preparation
Chapter 10: Open the Door to Your Creative State (Week One)
Chapter 11: Prune Away the Habit of Being Yourself (Week Two)
Step 1: Recognizing
Step 2: Admitting and Declaring
Step 3: Surrendering
Step 4: Observing and Reminding
Chapter 12: Dismantle the Memory of the Old You (Week Three)
Step 5: Redirecting
Chapter 13: Create a New Mind for Your New Future (Week Four)
Step 6: Creating and Rehearsing
Chapter 14: Demonstrating and Being Transparent: Living Your New Reality

Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One by Joe Dispenza Book Summary

PART I: The Science of You

Our exploration begins with an overview of philosophical and scientific paradigms related to the latest research on the nature of reality, your identity, why change has been challenging for many, and what is possible for you as a human being. Part I will be an easy read, I promise.

Chapter 1: The Quantum You

This chapter introduces basic concepts from quantum physics, but don’t be alarmed. We start here because it’s crucial to understand that your (subjective) mind affects your (objective) world. The observer effect in quantum physics suggests that where you direct your attention is where you place your energy.

Consequently, you impact the material world, which is largely composed of energy. By considering this idea, you might begin to focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want. You may even think: “If an atom is 99.99999% energy and only 0.00001% physical substance, then I am more ‘nothing’ than ‘something’! Why do I concentrate on a small percentage of the physical world when I am so much more? Is defining my present reality by what I perceive with my senses the greatest limitation I have?”

Chapter 2: Overcoming Your Environment

In this chapter, we explore how allowing the external world to control your thoughts and feelings causes your brain to be patterned by familiar experiences.

This process makes you think “equal to” everything around you, resulting in the creation of more of the same. Essentially, you hardwire your brain to reflect the problems, conditions, and circumstances in your life.

To create change, you must transcend all physical aspects of your environment.

Chapter 3: Overcoming Your Body

Chapter 3 delves into how we unconsciously operate based on a set of memorized thoughts and emotional reactions, much like computer programs running behind the scenes of our conscious awareness. This is why simply “thinking positive” isn’t enough—much of our negativity may reside subconsciously in the body.

By the end of this chapter, you will learn how to access the subconscious mind and make permanent changes to these underlying programs.

Chapter 4: Overcoming Time

This chapter examines how we either anticipate future events or revisit memories (or both), causing the body to perceive it is living in a time other than the present moment. Current research supports the idea that we can change the brain and body through thought alone, making it appear as if a future event has already occurred.

Since thought can become more real than anything else, you can transform yourself from brain cell to gene with the right understanding. Mastering the use of your attention and accessing the present moment will allow you to enter the quantum field, where all possibilities exist.

Chapter 5: Survival vs. Creation

Chapter 5 illustrates the difference between living in survival mode and living in creation mode. Survival mode involves stress and a materialistic outlook, where the outer world is perceived as more real than the inner world.

Under the pressure of the fight-or-flight response, driven by a cocktail of stress hormones, you are preoccupied with your body, your environment, and time. This imbalance leads to a predictable life. In contrast, when you are in the state of creation, you transcend the concepts of body, thing, and time.

You forget about yourself and become pure consciousness, liberated from the identity that depends on external reality to define who you are.

PART II: Your Brain and Meditation

Chapter 6: Three Brains: Thinking to Do to Being

In this chapter, you will explore the concept of having three “brains” that enable you to transition from thinking to doing to being. Even when you focus your attention away from your environment, body, and time, you can effortlessly shift from thinking to being without any physical action. In this state of mind, your brain doesn’t differentiate between the external world of reality and the internal world of your thoughts.

Thus, by mentally rehearsing a desired experience, you can experience the emotions associated with that event before it physically manifests. This process signifies that you are moving into a new state of being, where your mind and body work as one.

As you begin to feel that a potential future reality is happening in the present moment, you start rewriting your automatic habits, attitudes, and other subconscious programs.

Chapter 7: The Gap

Chapter 7 explores how to break free from the emotions you’ve memorized, which have become part of your personality, and how to close the gap between your inner self and your outer appearance.

We all reach a point where we stop learning and realize that external factors cannot remove the familiar feelings of our past. If you predict the feeling of every experience in your life, there is no room for new experiences, as you are viewing your life from the past rather than the future.

This is the critical point where the soul either breaks free or fades into oblivion. You will learn to liberate your energy in the form of emotions, thus narrowing the gap between how you appear and who you truly are. Ultimately, you will achieve transparency. When your appearance aligns with your true self, you are truly free.

Chapter 8: Meditation, Demystifying the Mystical, and Waves of Your Future

Part II concludes with Chapter 8, where the goal is to demystify meditation so you understand both the practice and its purpose. By discussing brain-wave technology in simple terms, you will learn how your brain’s electromagnetic activity changes when you are focused versus when you are stressed.

You will discover that the true purpose of meditation is to move beyond the analytical mind and enter the subconscious to make real and permanent changes. If you rise from meditation as the same person who began, no meaningful change has occurred.

When you meditate and connect to something greater, you can create and then internalize a coherence between your thoughts and feelings so profound that nothing in your outer reality—no object, person, or condition at any time or place—can alter your state of energy. This is when you master your environment, body, and time.

PART III: Stepping Toward Your New Destiny

The book consists of three parts: Parts I and II, which provide the necessary knowledge for applying the “how-to” in Part III. Part III is about practical application, a mindful exercise to incorporate into daily life, and presents a step-by-step meditation process. This multi-step process is not as daunting as it seems, as it becomes second nature after mastering each step.

The purpose of reading Parts I and II is to ensure that when you reach Part III, nothing is left to conjecture or speculation. Understanding the “what” and “why” will give you more power and intention behind the practical experience of truly changing your mind. By following the steps in Part III, you may become more inclined to embrace your innate ability to transform seemingly impossible situations in your life and explore new possibilities.

Part III will provide you with meditative skills to change something within your mind and body and produce an effect outside of yourself. Once you notice how internal changes produce external outcomes, you’ll be motivated to repeat the process. As new experiences manifest in your life, you’ll embrace the resulting elevated emotions—such as empowerment, awe, or gratitude—and this energy will drive you to continue.

Each meditation step outlined in Part III is linked to meaningful information from earlier in the book, so there should be no ambiguity to hinder your progress. At first, you may need to exert conscious effort to stay focused as you learn to meditate and evolve your brain. Like learning to cook, play golf, dance salsa, or drive a stick shift, mastering a new skill requires practice.

As with other skills, the process will become smoother with practice, and personal ownership comes into play. Although the effort might seem tedious at times, persistence will lead to rewarding results. When you have mastered the “how,” you are well on your way to mastering the skill. Many people around the world are already using the knowledge in this book to make tangible changes in their lives, and it is my sincere hope that you too will break the habit of being yourself and create the new life you desire.

Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One by Joe Dispenza Book Details

Attribute Details
ASIN 1401938094
Publisher Hay House LLC; Reprint edition (February 15, 2013)
Language English
Paperback 360 pages
ISBN-10 9781401938093
ISBN-13 978-1401938093
Item Weight 2.31 pounds
Dimensions 5.94 x 0.94 x 9 inches


About The Author: Joe Dispenza

Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One by Joe Dispenza
Image Source:Amazon.Com

Joe Dispenza, D.C., is a renowned figure in the fields of neuroscience and chiropractic care. He began his academic journey studying biochemistry at Rutgers University and went on to earn a Bachelor of Science degree with an emphasis in neuroscience. He completed his Doctor of Chiropractic degree at Life University in Atlanta, Georgia, graduating magna cum laude.

Dr. Dispenza’s postgraduate studies have focused on neurology, neuroscience, brain function and chemistry, cellular biology, memory formation, and aging and longevity.

His achievements include being an honorary member of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners and receiving a Clinical Proficiency Citation for excellence in doctor-patient relationships from Life University. He is also a member of Pi Tau Delta, the international chiropractic honor society.

Over his career, Dr. Dispenza has lectured in more than 24 countries across six continents, educating thousands about the human brain and its potential. He has helped individuals achieve specific goals and visions by eliminating self-destructive habits through scientifically proven neurophysiological principles. His teaching approach bridges human potential with the latest theories of neuroplasticity, demonstrating how new ways of thinking and changing beliefs can rewire the brain.

His first book, Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind, explores the connection between thought, consciousness, and the brain. It delves into the “biology of change,” showing how changing our minds can physically alter the brain.

Dr. Dispenza has authored several scientific articles on the relationship between the brain and body, detailing how brain chemistry and neurophysiology impact physical health and disease.

His latest work includes a DVD release of Evolve Your Brain and an educational CD series addressing common questions. His research into spontaneous remissions highlights the role of mind change in physical healing.

Dr. Dispenza is featured in the award-winning film What the BLEEP Do We Know!? and its extended Quantum Edition DVD set, What the BLEEP!? Down the Rabbit Hole. He also appears in the docudrama The People vs. The State of Illusion and serves as an editorial advisor for Explore! magazine.

When not traveling or writing, Dr. Dispenza practices at his chiropractic clinic near Olympia, Washington. For more information, visit

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