Book Summary: Beyond Positive Thinking: The Advanced Formula for Total Success Revealing a Guaranteed Path to Getting the Results You Want by Robert Anthony

Beyond Positive Thinking: The Advanced Formula for Total Success Revealing a Guaranteed Path to Getting the Results You Want by Robert Anthony

Beyond Positive Thinking: The Advanced Formula for Total Success Revealing a Guaranteed Path to Getting the Results You Want by Robert Anthony presents a practical, common-sense approach to achieving success.

First published in 1988 as The Advanced Formula for Total Success, it gained a devoted following for over a decade. In 2003, Anthony updated and republished it under its original title, Beyond Positive Thinking, introducing timeless concepts designed to help readers overcome limiting beliefs, embrace creativity, and take meaningful action toward their goals.

Beyond Positive Thinking: The Advanced Formula for Total Success Revealing a Guaranteed Path to Getting the Results You Want by Robert Anthony Overview

Dr. Anthony combines positive visualization techniques with step-by-step strategies to help individuals not only think positively but also act positively.

His work emphasizes personal growth by transforming mindsets and enabling readers to trust their inner potential. Joe Vitale, a self-help expert, was deeply influenced by Anthony’s teachings and even collaborated with him. The book and its accompanying tapes became highly sought-after, highlighting its lasting impact.

Beyond Positive Thinking remains a valuable guide for anyone seeking personal and professional success, offering tools to turn aspirations into reality.

Beyond Positive Thinking: The Advanced Formula for Total Success Revealing a Guaranteed Path to Getting the Results You Want by Robert Anthony Book Details

Publisher Morgan James Publishing (July 1, 2004)
Language English
Paperback 196 pages
ISBN-10 0975857096
ISBN-13 978-0975857090
Item Weight 9.9 ounces


Beyond Positive Thinking: The Advanced Formula for Total Success Revealing a Guaranteed Path to Getting the Results You Want by Robert Anthony Table Of Contents

  • Positive Thinking, Negative Thinking, Right Thinking
  • The Truth About You
  • What Are You Telling Yourself?
  • Believing is Seeing
  • Write Your Own Script
  • Program Your Mind for the Best
  • Techniques for Imprinting
  • Achieving Your Financial Desires
  • Five Words That Create Results
  • Who or What is Stopping You?
  • Give Up Hope and Take Action
  • The Greatest Obstacle to Happiness and How You Can Overcome It

Beyond Positive Thinking: The Advanced Formula for Total Success Revealing a Guaranteed Path to Getting the Results You Want by Robert Anthony Book Summary

Positive Thinking, Negative Thinking, Right Thinking

Chapter 1 “Positive Thinking, Negative Thinking, Right Thinking” delves deep into life-changing concepts including understanding the difference between positive thinking, negative thinking, and right thinking. It emphasizes the importance of adhering to universal rules and principles such as the Law of Cause and Effect to enact life-long changes.

The chapter critically discusses how our beliefs have the power to shape reality, touching upon the profound impact of ignorance on misusing natural laws, the impartial nature of cause and effect, and how our beliefs can create limitations or open up possibilities.

Additionally, it explores the Law of Attraction, the role of the subconscious mind in manifesting beliefs, the significance of seeking truth in every circumstance, and the intriguing idea that our reality is crafted by our thoughts and beliefs.

The Truth About You

Dive into Chapter 2 “The Truth About You” and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

This chapter is all about getting to know the real YOU! It emphasizes the importance of self-image, the significance of separating your identity from your actions, and the fact that your value comes from within.

Understand how your happiness and success are directly tied to accepting yourself as spiritually whole, perfect, and complete.

What Are You Telling Yourself?

Dive into Chapter 3 “What Are You Telling Yourself?” and discover the power of your mind.

This chapter illuminates the significance of self-talk and how our convictions mold our behaviors. Learn about the formation of our belief system, the effect of self-talk on our self-perception, and the self-boosting cycle that perpetuates it. Unearth the mystery of the Sure-Enough Principle and the pivotal role attitudes hold in determining our success or failure.

Explore the workings of the subconscious creative mechanism and discover the transformative power of visualization in shaping our reality.

Believing is Seeing

Unleash your potential with the insights from Chapter 4 “Believing is Seeing.” This unique perspective argues that our perception of reality often limits our success. It’s common to believe “Seeing is Believing”, but this mindset restricts growth and change.

Instead of waiting for things to happen, we should focus on making them happen. Our actions, habits, and thoughts are principally determined by our awareness and perception of reality. Setting goals based on what we want to achieve, not just what we think is possible, is paramount. Learn to believe in your goals even before seeing the results. This crucial shift in thinking will allow the necessary information to flow through, helping you to achieve your heart’s desire.

Write Your Own Script

Dive into Chapter 5, “Write Your Own Script,” and explore the vital role of goal setting and positive beliefs in paving the path to happiness and success.

Challenge the misconceptions hindering your satisfaction and learn to appreciate your present circumstances. This chapter urges you to set crystal clear, rewarding goals, foresee potential obstacles, formulate a strategy, and remain steadfastly committed.

Further, it emphasizes the power of positive reinforcement and progress tracking in boosting your confidence and drive.

Program Your Mind for the Best

Chapter 6, “Program Your Mind for the Best”, where you’ll uncover the secrets to achieving success by effectively programming your mind.

Learn the importance of beliefs, affirmations, and visualizations and how they impact our perspective of reality. Discover the potential of your subconscious mind, harness its power, and guide it towards achieving your goals. Equip yourself with tools such as positive self-talk and vivid imagery to help reshape your beliefs.

Explore the concept of imprinting, a powerful technique that can help control your thoughts and bring about desirable changes in your subconscious self-image.

Techniques for Imprinting

Unleash the power of affirmations with the guidance from Chapter 7 “Techniques for Imprinting.” This chapter provides detailed information on how to bring about significant changes from within by using affirmations and imagery.

You will learn how to craft specific, positive, and personal affirmations that trigger emotions for optimal results.

Further, it teaches how to avoid pitfalls like negativity and comparisons. It expands on the crucial components like goal setting and the principle of secrecy, providing you with an ‘Affirmation Insurance Policy.’ Moreover, you’ll find various sample affirmations to kickstart your journey and understand the importance of repetition and emotion in establishing new habits and attitudes.

Achieving Your Financial Desires

Unlock the door to your financial prosperity with Chapter 8 “Achieving Your Financial Desires”. This chapter explores the powerful interplay between our beliefs and thoughts about money and our financial situation.

Learn how to harness the Law of Attraction to amass wealth, understand how your imagination and visualization can contribute to wealth creation, and grasp the importance of acknowledging gratitude in attracting abundance.

Discover the Universal Bank concept, where generosity ignites receiving, and understand the significance of the Law of Circulation in financial prosperity.

This chapter also teaches you the value of being an efficient receiver, the principle of seed money for wealth accumulation, and the need for specificity when claiming financial abundance.
Embrace the importance of risk-taking and have the confidence of a Deliberate Creator to truly achieve financial freedom.

Five Words That Create Results

Dive into Chapter 9, “Five Words That Create Results”, where you’ll uncover the secrets of the Consciousness Conditioning Exercise.

Discover the transformative power of five simple words: Relax, Recognize, Realize, Reason, and Release. Each step, is meticulously designed to shift your central consciousness and bring forth your deepest desires.

Grasp the profound influence of the Universal Mind, learn the art of tranquil relaxation, acknowledge the omnipresence of the Universal Mind, understand our intimate connection to it, realize the logic behind our creative endeavors, and free yourself from doubts and worries that are blocking your path to manifestation.

Be ready to shape your destiny and achieve what you’ve always dreamt of!

Who or What is Stopping You?

Dive into Chapter 10 “Who or What is Stopping You?” to uncover the truth about what holds us back in life. This chapter dissects the concept of worry, shedding light on its origins, its effects, and how it affects our everyday choices.

It underscores the significance of clarity, self-trust, and courage, pushing past the veil of illusion to reveal that worry is indeed a choice, often a reflection of our belief systems.

Discover the transformative power of self-reliance, moving from emotional dependency to taking charge of one’s life. Learn to face rejection and uncertainty without fear, understanding that they are part of self-growth.

The chapter emboldens us to challenge everything, advocate for self-acceptance, and rewrite the script of our lives. Highlighting the importance of maintaining focus on our ultimate goal, it emphasizes that the only thing stopping us from achieving our aspirations is ourselves and our limited beliefs.

So, embrace the wisdom of Chapter 10 and decipher how to stop being the effect of outer circumstances and start being the cause!

Give Up Hope and Take Action

Unleash your potential with the insights from Chapter 11 – Give Up Hope and Take Action.

This chapter underscores the urge to replace hoping with acting, emphasizing the significance of results-driven endeavors. Discover the unlimited power of your potential and understand why the journey matters more than the destination. Learn to trust your gut, make decisions, embrace risks, and be game for change.

Dive into the importance of faith, belief, and acceptance, and live in your desired reality. It urges you to abandon fear and limiting beliefs to pave the way for courageous actions and necessary corrections.

This chapter reveals hope as a potential trap, stressing the importance of living in the now. Remember, continuous action, learning from failures, and open-mindedness are the true catalysts for success.

The Greatest Obstacle to Happiness and How You Can Overcome It

Chapter 12 invites you on a journey to find true happiness by living in the present moment and following your joy.

Learn how to surrender to the ebbs and flows of life and unearth the key to experiencing genuine love and joy.

This chapter underscores the importance of finding what excites you and satisfies you, for this is the crux of a fulfilling life. It’s time to trust yourself, focus on your desires, and follow your joy to create the life you’ve always dreamed of.

About The Author: Robert Anthony

Beyond Positive Thinking: The Advanced Formula for Total Success Revealing a Guaranteed Path to Getting the Results You Want by Robert Anthony
Image Source: Amazon.Com

Dr. Robert Anthony is a prominent figure in the self-help field, with over a dozen published books that have helped countless individuals achieve personal and professional success. His expertise in mindset transformation and positive thinking has made him a respected leader in personal development.

Joe Vitale, President of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., is a marketing consultant whose clients include renowned organizations like the Red Cross, PBS, and Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital. He has authored several bestselling books, including There’s a Customer Born Every Minute, The Attractor Factor, and Zero Limits. Joe is also a featured contributor to the hit movie and book The Secret. Learn more about his work at

Jillian Coleman Wheeler is a grants and business consultant, and the author of The Other Secrets, Going Beyond the Law of Attraction, and The New American Land Rush. Her essays have appeared in Joe Vitale’s Life’s Missing Instruction Manual and Meet and Grow Rich. For more information, visit

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