Book Summary: The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life by Steven Bartlett

The Diary of a CEO The 33 Laws of Business and Life by Steven Bartlett

The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life by Steven Bartlett a famous entrepreneur and host of a popular podcast, summarizes essential principles for achievement in business and personal pursuits.

Using his entrepreneurial experiences and insights from interviews with influential figures in different sectors, Bartlett offers a persuasive plan for reaching excellence. The book acts as an inspirational manual, providing readers with tools to overcome the obstacles of ambition and self-exploration.

Bartlett examines how success can be achieved by facing challenges, taking advantage of opportunities, and developing the right mindset to succeed in a fast-changing world.

The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life by Steven Bartlett Book Details

Attribute Details
Publisher Portfolio (August 29, 2023)
Language English
Paperback 368 pages
ISBN-10 0593715837
ISBN-13 978-0593715833

The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life by Steven Bartlett Book Statistics

  • Title: The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life
  • Author: Steven Bartlett
  • Publication Date: August 29, 2023
  • Genres:
    • Business
    • Nonfiction
    • Self Help
    • Leadership
    • Personal Development
    • Audiobook
    • Psychology
    • Management
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Productivity

Ratings and Rankings

  • Average Rating:
    • 4.7 out of 5 stars (2,163 ratings)
    • 4.2 out of 5 stars on Goodreads (6,926 ratings)

Best Sellers Rank

  • Overall in Books: #7,429
  • Categories:
    • #58 in Entrepreneurship
    • #136 in Personal Finance
    • #239 in Success Self-Help

The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life by Steven Bartlett Quotes

  1. Stop telling yourself you’re not qualified, good enough or worthy. Growth happens when you start doing the things you’re not qualified to do.

  2. if you want to keep someone’s brain lit up and receptive to your point of view, you must not start your response with a statement of disagreement.

  3. your success will be defined by your attitude towards the small stuff – the things most people overlook, ignore or don’t care about. The easiest way to do big things is by focusing on the small things.

  4. knowledge, skills, network, resources and reputation

  5. Your philosophy is the set of beliefs, values or principles that guide your behaviour – they are the fundamental beliefs that underpin your actions.

  6. When a friend makes a mistake, the friend remains a friend and the mistake remains a mistake.

  7. There are only two buckets that any such professional earthquake can never empty – it can take away your network, it can take your resources, it can even impact your reputation, but it can never remove your knowledge and it can never unlearn your skills.

The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life by Steven Bartlett Table Of Contents

Introduction: Who am I to write this book?


  1. Fill your five buckets in the right order
  2. To master it, you must create an obligation to teach it
  3. You must never disagree
  4. You do not get to choose what you believe
  5. You must lean into bizarre behavior
  6. Ask, don’t tell – the question/behavior effect
  7. Never compromise your self-story
  8. Never fight a bad habit
  9. Always prioritize your first foundation

10. Useless absurdity will define you more than useful practicalities
11. Avoid wallpaper at all costs
12. You must piss people off
13. Shoot your psychological moonshots first
14. Friction can create value
15. The frame matters more than the picture
16. Use Goldilocks to your advantage
17. Let them try and they will buy
18. Fight for the first five seconds

19. You must sweat the small stuff
20. A small miss now creates a big miss later
21. You must out-fail the competition
22. You must become a Plan-A thinker
23. Don’t be an ostrich
24. You must make pressure your privilege
25. The power of negative manifestation
26. Your skills are worthless, but your context is valuable
27. The discipline equation: death, time, and discipline!

28. Ask who not how
29. Create a cult mentality
30. The three bars for building great teams
31. Leverage the power of progress
32. You must be an inconsistent leader
33. Learning never ends


The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life by Steven Bartlett Book Summary


Chapter 1: Fill your five buckets in the right order
This chapter introduces the concept of the “five buckets,” which represent key areas of personal fulfillment and development. The author emphasizes that prioritizing these buckets in the correct order is essential for achieving balance and happiness.

He encourages readers to reflect on their values and allocate time and energy accordingly. By focusing on personal well-being, relationships, growth, and contribution, individuals can cultivate a fulfilling life.

Chapter 2: To master it, you must create an obligation to teach it
The author discusses the transformative power of teaching as a means of mastering a subject. By committing to teach others, individuals deepen their understanding and solidify their knowledge. This chapter highlights the concept of “teaching to learn,” where the obligation to share insights fosters accountability and continuous growth.

Chapter 3: You must never disagree
In this chapter, the author explores the idea of unity and collaboration. He emphasizes that fostering a harmonious environment requires individuals to avoid unnecessary conflict and disagreements. This chapter highlights the importance of building consensus and nurturing relationships for successful teamwork and leadership.

Chapter 4: You do not get to choose what you believe
The author challenges readers to examine their beliefs and the influences that shape them. He posits that beliefs are often formed by external factors and experiences rather than personal choice. This chapter encourages self-reflection and critical thinking, urging individuals to question inherited beliefs and seek their truths.

Chapter 5: You must lean into bizarre behavior
In this chapter, the author discusses the importance of embracing unconventional behavior as a catalyst for innovation and growth. He argues that stepping outside of societal norms can lead to unique insights and breakthroughs. The author encourages readers to challenge the status quo and explore new perspectives, even if they seem strange or uncomfortable. By leaning into bizarre behavior, individuals can unlock creativity and foster a culture of exploration and experimentation, which is essential for personal and professional development.

Chapter 6: Ask, don’t tell – the question/behavior effect
The chapter provides practical tips for effective questioning techniques, demonstrating how asking the right questions can lead to deeper insights, stronger relationships, and improved decision-making.

Chapter 7: Never compromise your self-story
The author stresses the importance of maintaining a consistent and authentic self-narrative. He argues that our self-story shapes our identity and influences our decisions and actions. This chapter encourages readers to reflect on their narratives and ensure they align with their values and aspirations. By remaining true to their self-story, individuals can navigate challenges with resilience and integrity.

Chapter 8: Never fight a bad habit
In this chapter, the author discusses the futility of battling ingrained bad habits. Instead of confrontation, he advocates for understanding the underlying triggers and motivations behind these habits. By shifting focus from resistance to exploration, individuals can develop healthier alternatives and gradually replace negative behaviors.

Chapter 9: Always prioritize your first foundation
This chapter emphasizes the significance of identifying and prioritizing foundational aspects of life. The author argues that a strong foundation is essential for personal and professional success. He encourages readers to assess their core values, relationships, and practices that contribute to their well-being.


Chapter 10: Useless absurdity will define you more than useful practicalities
The author explores the idea that embracing absurdity and uniqueness can set individuals apart in a crowded world.

This chapter encourages readers to celebrate their uniqueness and recognize that standing out often requires embracing unconventional traits. By valuing absurdity, individuals can cultivate a distinct personal brand that resonates with others, ultimately enhancing their influence and impact.

Chapter 11: Avoid wallpaper at all costs
In this chapter, the author advises against conformity and mediocrity in both personal and professional endeavors. He uses the metaphor of “wallpaper” to illustrate the dangers of blending in and becoming forgettable.

The author encourages readers to take risks, express their individuality, and pursue bold ideas. By avoiding the trap of complacency, individuals can create a lasting impression and drive meaningful change.

Chapter 12: You must piss people off
The author discusses the necessity of challenging the status quo and provoking thought, even if it ruffles feathers. He argues that meaningful progress often involves discomfort and confrontation. By addressing controversial topics and pushing boundaries, individuals can inspire critical discussions and drive innovation.

This chapter encourages readers to embrace the idea that not everyone will agree with them, and that’s okay. Instead of seeking universal approval, individuals should focus on their values and impact, understanding that dissent can lead to growth.

Chapter 13: Shoot your psychological moonshots first
In this chapter, the author emphasizes the importance of setting ambitious goals and pursuing them with determination. He introduces the concept of “psychological moonshots,” which are bold aspirations that push individuals beyond their comfort zones.

Chapter 14: Friction can create value
The author explores the idea that friction and challenges can lead to growth and innovation. He argues that discomfort often acts as a catalyst for change, prompting individuals to adapt and improve. This chapter encourages readers to embrace obstacles as opportunities for learning and development.

By viewing friction as a valuable aspect of the journey, individuals can cultivate resilience and creativity, ultimately leading to enhanced problem-solving abilities and a deeper understanding of their capabilities.

Chapter 15: The frame matters more than the picture
In this chapter, the author emphasizes the importance of perspective in shaping our experiences and interpretations. He argues that how we frame situations can significantly impact our reactions and outcomes. By adopting a positive and constructive frame, individuals can navigate challenges with greater clarity and effectiveness.

Chapter 16: Use Goldilocks to your advantage
The author introduces the “Goldilocks Principle,” which emphasizes finding the right balance in various aspects of life. He discusses the importance of avoiding extremes and striving for a middle ground that fosters growth and satisfaction. This chapter encourages readers to assess their habits, goals, and relationships to ensure they align with the Goldilocks Principle.

Chapter 17: Let them try and they will buy
In this chapter, the author discusses the power of experiential learning and engagement. He emphasizes that allowing others to experience ideas or products firsthand fosters deeper connections and understanding. By encouraging participation and interaction, individuals can build trust and loyalty.

The author reinforces that hands-on experiences often lead to more meaningful relationships and successful outcomes, urging readers to create opportunities for others to engage and invest in their vision.

Chapter 18: Fight for the first five seconds
The author highlights the critical importance of first impressions and initial interactions. He argues that the first five seconds of an encounter can significantly shape perceptions and outcomes. This chapter encourages readers to be intentional in their introductions, ensuring they convey confidence and authenticity. By fighting for those crucial moments, individuals can set the tone for positive interactions and build strong relationships from the outset.

The author emphasizes that attention to detail in first encounters can lead to lasting connections.


Chapter 19: You must sweat the small stuff
In this chapter, the author argues that attention to detail and small actions can lead to significant outcomes. He emphasizes that neglecting the small things often results in larger issues down the line. By prioritizing the details and striving for excellence in every aspect of life, individuals can cultivate a culture of accountability and high standards.

This chapter encourages readers to recognize the value of consistency and diligence, reinforcing that small efforts contribute to long-term success.

Chapter 20: A small miss now creates a big miss later
The author discusses the cumulative effect of small mistakes and oversights. He emphasizes that overlooking minor details can lead to larger failures in the future. This chapter encourages readers to develop habits of thoroughness and attention, reinforcing the idea that prevention is better than correction.

Chapter 21: You must out-fail the competition
In this chapter, the author emphasizes the value of learning from failure as a means of gaining a competitive edge. He argues that embracing failure as an opportunity for growth allows individuals to innovate and adapt more effectively. The author encourages readers to view failures not as setbacks but as essential components of the learning process.

By out-failing competitors—experimenting, taking risks, and iterating—individuals can refine their skills and strategies, ultimately achieving greater success.

Chapter 22: You must become a Plan-A thinker
The author discusses the importance of commitment and focus in achieving goals. He encourages readers to adopt a “Plan-A” mindset, emphasizing the need to fully invest in their primary objectives. This chapter reinforces that half-hearted efforts often lead to mediocre results.

By eliminating distractions and prioritizing their main goals, individuals can channel their energy and resources toward meaningful accomplishments. The author underscores that a determined, focused approach is essential for realizing one’s potential.

Chapter 23: Don’t be an ostrich
In this chapter, the author warns against avoidance and denial in the face of challenges. He uses the metaphor of the ostrich to illustrate the dangers of burying one’s head in the sand rather than confronting issues directly. The author encourages readers to face reality, acknowledge difficulties, and take proactive steps to address them.

By embracing transparency and accountability, individuals can navigate challenges more effectively and foster resilience in the face of adversity.

Chapter 24: You must put pressure your privilege
The author explores the relationship between pressure and performance. He argues that rather than viewing pressure as a burden, individuals should embrace it as an opportunity for growth and excellence. This chapter encourages readers to reframe their mindset regarding stress, recognizing that high-pressure situations can lead to breakthroughs and innovation.

Chapter 25: The power of negative manifestation
In this chapter, the author discusses the concept of negative manifestation, highlighting the importance of recognizing potential pitfalls and challenges. He emphasizes that acknowledging fears and weaknesses can empower individuals to address them proactively.

This chapter encourages readers to confront their negative thoughts and use them as catalysts for growth. By harnessing the power of negative manifestation, individuals can cultivate resilience and develop strategies to overcome obstacles.

Chapter 26: Your skills are worthless, but your context is valuable
The author argues that skills alone do not guarantee success; the context in which they are applied is crucial. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the environment and circumstances that influence outcomes. This chapter encourages readers to assess their context and leverage it effectively to maximize their impact.

Chapter 27: The discipline equation: death, time, and discipline!
In this chapter, the author discusses the relationship between discipline, time, and mortality. He emphasizes that recognizing the finite nature of life can inspire individuals to cultivate discipline in their pursuits. By understanding that time is limited, individuals are encouraged to prioritize their actions and focus on what truly matters.


Chapter 28: Ask who not how
This chapter encourages readers to build strong networks and seek out mentors and collaborators. By asking “who” rather than “how,” individuals can tap into collective knowledge and resources, ultimately enhancing their chances of success.

Chapter 29: Create a cult mentality
In this chapter, the author discusses the power of creating a strong, cohesive team culture. He encourages leaders to foster a sense of belonging and shared purpose among team members. By cultivating a “cult mentality” centered on shared values and goals, teams can enhance collaboration and loyalty.

Chapter 30: The three bars for building great teams
The author outlines three key factors essential for building effective teams: trust, communication, and accountability. He emphasizes that teams thrive when members trust one another, communicate openly, and hold each other accountable.

This chapter provides practical strategies for fostering these elements within teams, reinforcing the idea that strong relationships and clear expectations lead to higher performance and collaboration. The author highlights that investing in team dynamics is crucial for achieving collective success.

Chapter 31: Leverage the power of progress
In this chapter, the author discusses the importance of recognizing and celebrating incremental progress within teams. He argues that acknowledging small wins fosters motivation and reinforces a culture of achievement. By leveraging the power of progress, teams can maintain momentum and build confidence.

The chapter encourages leaders to create opportunities for recognition and feedback, ensuring that team members feel valued and motivated to continue striving for success.

Chapter 32: You must be an inconsistent leader
The author explores the concept of adaptive leadership, emphasizing that effective leaders must be flexible and responsive to changing circumstances. He argues that inconsistency in leadership is not about being unreliable but rather about adapting strategies and approaches based on context and team needs.

This chapter encourages leaders to embrace their unique styles while remaining open to feedback and adjustment. By being adaptable, leaders can foster resilience and navigate challenges more effectively.

Chapter 33: Learning Never Ends
In this final chapter, the author reinforces the idea that learning is a lifelong journey. He emphasizes that personal and professional growth requires a commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement. The chapter encourages readers to embrace curiosity, seek new experiences, and cultivate a growth mindset.

About the Author: Steven Bartlett

The Diary of a CEO The 33 Laws of Business and Life by Steven Bartlett
Author’s image source:

Steven Bartlett is an entrepreneur, speaker, investor, and host of the UK’s No.1 podcast, The Diary of a CEO, which explores the stories of influential figures. An accomplished investor in health and wellness, he has notable stakes in companies like Huel and Zoe, and focuses on blockchain, biotech, and social media.

Co-founder of Flight Story, a marketing firm, and thirdweb, a platform for building web3 applications, Steven recently launched his private equity fund, Flight Fund, to support emerging European unicorns.

He has spoken at prestigious events like the UN and TEDx and was named in Forbes’s 30 Under 30 list. His debut book, Happy Sexy Millionaire, became a Sunday Times bestseller, and he is known as the youngest-ever Dragon on BBC’s Dragons’ Den. He splits his time between London, Los Angeles, and New York.

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