Book Summary: How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking – Change Your Life by John C. Maxwell

How Successful People Think

How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking – Change Your Life by John C. Maxwell, a renowned leadership expert and #1 New York Times bestselling author, presents a powerful guide to transforming your mindset for personal and professional success. Published on June 1, 2009, this compact yet impactful book offers 11 essential keys to enhance your clarity, creativity, and effectiveness in today’s fast-paced world.

After researching successful people for more than 40 years, Maxwell uncovers a shared trait among them: their mindset. John C. Maxwell stressed that effective thinking is not something you are born with, but a set of skills that can be learned by anyone.

In this illuminating book, you will learn how to develop a holistic view to expand your outlook, engage in concentrated thinking to remove interruptions and adopt imaginative thinking to produce unique ideas.

In his book How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking – Change Your Life, Maxwell also delves into the significance of collective thinking, promoting teamwork for better outcomes, and introspective thinking, using past experiences to guide future choices. This book provides practical steps to improve your thought processes, which can help you achieve personal success and strengthen your leadership skills.

In a world where good thinkers are always in demand, How Successful People Think serves as a roadmap to unlocking your potential and achieving your goals. As Maxwell wisely notes, the journey to reaching new heights often requires change—and though change may feel uncomfortable, it is an essential part of growth.

This book is your invitation to revolutionize your thinking and, in turn, transform your life.

How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking – Change Your Life by John C. Maxwell Book Details

Attribute Details
Publisher Center Street; 1st edition (June 1, 2009)
Language English
Hardcover 160 pages
ISBN-10 1599951681
ISBN-13 978-1599951683
Item Weight 7.2 ounces


How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking – Change Your Life by John C. Maxwell Quotes

  1. Learning to write is learning to think. You don’t know anything clearly unless you can state it in writing.

  2. Successful people think differently than unsuccessful people.

  3. I can control my feelings by controlling my thoughts.

  4. You cannot rely on your feelings. You can act your way into feeling long before you can feel your way into action.

  5. Dont ever be impressed with goal setting; be impressed with goal getting. Reaching new goals and moving to a higher level of performance always requires change, and change feels awkward. But take comfort in the knowledge that if a change doesn’t feel uncomfortable, then it’s propably not really a change.

  6. Maya Angelou observed you cant use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. Sadly,too often creativity is smothered rather than nurtured. There has to be climate in which new ways of thinking,perceiving, questioning are encouraged.

  7. Thinking is hard work; that’s why so few do it.

  8. It is true: most people are more satisfied with old problems than committed to finding new solutions.

  9. You must reject common thinking if you want to accomplish uncommon results.

  10. experience alone does not add value to a life. It’s not necessarily experience that is valuable; it’s the insight people gain because of their experience. Reflective

  11. The one with the plan is the one with the power. It doesn’t matter in what kind of activity you’re involved. Employees want to follow the business leader with a good business plan. Volunteers want to join the pastor with a good ministry plan. Children want to be with the adult who has the well-thought-out vacation plan. If you practice strategic thinking, others will listen to you and they will want to follow you.

  12. Thinking divorced from actions cannot be productive.

How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking – Change Your Life by John C. Maxwell Table Of Contents

  • Copyright
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction


  1. Cultivate Big-Picture Thinking
  2. Engage in Focused Thinking
  3. Harness Creative Thinking
  4. Employ Realistic Thinking
  5. Utilize Strategic Thinking
  6. Explore Possibility Thinking
  7. Learn from Reflective Thinking
  8. Question Popular Thinking
  9. Benefit from Shared Thinking
  10. Practice Unselfish Thinking
  11. Rely on Bottom-Line Thinking
  • One Final Thought
  • Notes
  • About the Author

How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking – Change Your Life by John C. Maxwell Book Summary

John C. Maxwell, a renowned leadership expert and author, presents How Successful People Think as a practical guide designed to help individuals develop their thinking skills and transform their lives. In this concise yet impactful book, Maxwell distills decades of research and observation into actionable insights, emphasizing that effective thinking is the cornerstone of success.

The Importance of Thinking

Maxwell opens by asserting that good thinkers are in high demand. While knowing how to perform a task is valuable, understanding why things happen distinguishes leaders from followers. He posits that good thinkers possess the ability to solve problems, generate innovative ideas, and maintain hope for the future. They are rarely exploited by those who might take advantage of their naivety, illustrating the power of critical thinking in all aspects of life.

Drawing from his 40 years of experience studying successful individuals, Maxwell concludes that their commonality lies in their thought processes. He asserts that the way people think directly influences their success or failure. The good news is that this way of thinking can be learned and cultivated. By changing your thinking, you can change your life—a central premise of the book.

The Value of Changed Thinking

Maxwell delves into why changing one’s thinking is essential. He outlines several critical points about this transformation:

  1. Changed Thinking Is Not Automatic: Good ideas do not simply appear; they require active searching and deliberate effort. Individuals must take the initiative to seek out good ideas and continually work to improve their thinking capabilities.
  2. Changed Thinking Is Difficult: Engaging in deep and meaningful thinking is challenging. Maxwell references Albert Einstein’s assertion that thinking is hard work, reinforcing the notion that true intellectual engagement requires discipline and focus.
  3. Changed Thinking Is Worth the Investment: Maxwell emphasizes that investing in one’s ability to think effectively pays dividends throughout life. Unlike financial investments that can falter, a well-developed mind is a lifelong asset that can lead to ongoing personal and professional growth.

Keys to Becoming a Better Thinker

Maxwell identifies several actionable steps that individuals can take to enhance their thinking abilities:

  1. Expose Yourself to Good Input: Good thinkers actively seek out quality information and ideas. This can be achieved through reading books, listening to podcasts, and spending time with other intelligent individuals. Keeping intriguing ideas at the forefront of your mind is essential for stimulating thought.
  2. Surround Yourself with Good Thinkers: The people you spend time with significantly influence your thinking. Maxwell encourages readers to choose friends and colleagues who challenge and inspire them. Engaging with others who prioritize growth and learning can sharpen your own thinking skills.
  3. Choose to Think Good Thoughts: Intentionality is key in developing effective thinking habits. Maxwell suggests creating a schedule dedicated to reflective thinking, just as successful leaders, like Dan Cathy of Chick-fil-A, set aside time to contemplate and prioritize their goals.
  4. Act on Your Good Thoughts: Ideas have a limited shelf life; therefore, it’s crucial to act on them before they fade. Maxwell stresses that execution is vital for turning thoughts into reality.
  5. Leverage Emotions for Momentum: While emotions should not dictate the thinking process, they can enhance it. Engaging in the process of good thinking can generate emotional energy that fuels further creativity and productivity.
  6. Repeat the Process: Continuous improvement is essential. One successful thought is insufficient for sustained achievement. Maxwell emphasizes the need for ongoing engagement with the process of good thinking.

Creating an Environment for Thought

Maxwell provides a framework for creating the right environment to foster good thinking. He encourages readers to establish a designated space for contemplation and idea generation, as well as to make it a habit to capture thoughts in writing. This environment should be conducive to reflection, free from distractions, and supportive of deep thinking.

  1. Find a Place to Think: Different individuals thrive in various settings. Whether it’s a quiet office, a park, or a favorite café, finding a personal sanctuary for thought can facilitate the creative process.
  2. Shape Your Thoughts: Ideas rarely come fully formed; they require shaping and refining. Maxwell advises engaging in critical examination of ideas, writing them down, and allowing them to withstand scrutiny to determine their viability.
  3. Stretch Your Thoughts: Collaboration is crucial for expanding ideas. Engaging with others to test and stretch thoughts can lead to breakthroughs that an individual may not achieve alone.
  4. Land Your Thoughts: Good ideas need practical application to create an impact. Maxwell stresses the importance of discussing ideas with key players and those affected by potential changes to ensure successful implementation.
  5. Fly Your Thoughts: The culmination of effective thinking is action. Maxwell emphasizes that without application, ideas remain dormant. Successful thinkers actively pursue their ideas, ensuring they have real-world implications.

The Portrait of a Good Thinker

Maxwell describes the qualities of good thinkers, emphasizing that it is not solely about having a high IQ or a vast knowledge base. Instead, it encompasses a set of specific thinking skills that anyone can develop, regardless of their background or circumstances. He references Jim Collins and Jerry Porras’s Built to Last, which likens visionary companies to great works of art, highlighting that good thinking is an amalgamation of various skills working together.

The book presents eleven specific skills essential for good thinking:

  1. Big-Picture Thinking
  2. Focused Thinking
  3. Creative Thinking
  4. Realistic Thinking
  5. Strategic Thinking
  6. Possibility Thinking
  7. Reflective Thinking
  8. Questioning Popular Thinking
  9. Shared Thinking
  10. Unselfish Thinking
  11. Bottom-Line Thinking

Maxwell’s objective is not to dictate what to think but to teach readers how to think effectively. By becoming acquainted with these skills, individuals can identify areas for improvement and work towards becoming better thinkers.

About the Author: John C. Maxwell

How Successful People Think
Image Source: Wikipedia.Com

John C. Maxwell is a globally recognized leadership expert, speaker, coach, and author who has sold over 19 million books. As the founder of EQUIP and the John Maxwell Company, he has trained more than 5 million leaders around the world. Each year, he addresses Fortune 500 companies, international government leaders, and diverse organizations, including the United States Military Academy at West Point, the National Football League, and the United Nations.

A bestselling author with titles featured on the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Business Week lists, Maxwell has penned three books that have each surpassed one million copies sold: The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Developing the Leader Within You, and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader. For more information, visit, and follow him on Twitter at

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