Book Summary: Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier by Arthur C. Brooks – Oprah Winfrey

Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier

Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier by Arthur C. Brooks – Oprah Winfrey invites you to embark on a path to greater happiness, no matter the difficulties you face. Using cutting-edge scientific research and their years of experience helping others turn ideas into action, they guide you on how to start improving your life immediately, without waiting for external circumstances to change.

With deep understanding, empathy, and optimism, Brooks and Winfrey demonstrate how emotional self-management can transform your life right now. They provide practical, research-backed strategies to strengthen the four essential pillars of happiness: family, friendship, work, and faith. Along the way, they share valuable insights from their journeys and stories of everyday people who have found joy despite life’s challenges.

Armed with these tools and ready to fortify your four pillars, you can take control of your present and future, instead of relying on external conditions to improve. Build the Life You Want offers a clear roadmap to creating a more fulfilling and joyful life.

Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier by Arthur C. Brooks – Oprah Winfrey Book Details

Publisher Portfolio (September 12, 2023)
Language English
Hardcover 272 pages
ISBN-10 0593545400
ISBN-13 978-0593545409


Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier by Arthur C. Brooks – Oprah Winfrey Book Statistics

  1. Release Date: September 12, 2023
  2. Authors: Arthur C. Brooks and Oprah Winfrey
  3. Overall Rating:
    • Amazon: 4.4 out of 5 stars (based on 2,699 ratings)
    • Goodreads: 3.8 out of 5 stars (based on 10,874 ratings)
  4. Awards:
    • Editor’s Pick: Best Books of the Year 2023
  5. Genres:
    • Nonfiction
    • Self-Help
    • Psychology
    • Audiobook
    • Personal Development
    • Philosophy
    • Mental Health
    • Health
    • Spirituality
    • Science

Summary of Key Stats:

  • Average Rating Across Platforms:
    • Amazon: 4.4/5
    • Goodreads: 3.8/5
  • Total Ratings:
    • Amazon: 2,699 ratings
    • Goodreads: 10,874 ratings
  • Release: Part of the Best Books of the Year 2023 list, emphasizing its popularity and critical acclaim.

Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier by Arthur C. Brooks – Oprah Winfrey Quotes

  1. The way in which a man accepts his fate and all the suffering it entails, the way in which he takes up his cross, gives him ample opportunity—even under the most difficult circumstances—to add a deeper meaning to his life.

  2. she stopped waiting for the world to change and took control of her life.

  3. find peace in all things and play after every storm.

  4. That’s because happiness is not a destination. Happiness is a direction.

  5. Your emotions are only signals. And you get to decide how you’ll respond to them.

  6. The macronutrients of happiness are enjoyment, satisfaction, and purpose.

  7. happiness is rooted in words related to fortune or positive fate.

  8. I don’t know what this day will bring, but I will love others and allow myself to be loved.

  9. The lemonade-making, silver-linings-finding, bright-side-looking glass-half-fullers.

  10. I dedicate my work to lifting people up and bringing them together, in bonds of love and happiness

Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier by Arthur C. Brooks – Oprah Winfrey Table Of Contents

  • A Note from Oprah
  • A Note from Arthur
  • Introduction: Albina’s Secret
  • Happiness Is Not the Goal, and Unhappiness Is Not the Enemy
  • Managing Your Emotions
    • A Note from Oprah
  • The Power of Metacognition
  • Choose a Better Emotion
  • Focus Less on Yourself
    • Building What Matters
    • A Note from Oprah
  • Build Your Imperfect Family
  • Friendship That Is Deeply Real
  • Work That Is Love Made Visible
  • Find Your Amazing Grace
    • A Note from Oprah
  • Conclusion: Now, Become the Teacher
  • Acknowledgments
  • Notes

Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier by Arthur C. Brooks – Oprah Winfrey Book Summary

Introduction: Albina’s Secret

The introduction begins with a personal story about Albina, Arthur’s mother-in-law, who finds peace and happiness in her old age despite enduring hardships throughout her life.

The key takeaway is that happiness is not dependent on external circumstances but on how we choose to react to them. The story sets the tone for the rest of the book by emphasizing the importance of shifting perspective and taking control of one’s emotional responses.

Happiness Is Not the Goal, and Unhappiness Is Not the Enemy

In this chapter, the authors argue that happiness is a direction, not a destination. The pursuit of perpetual happiness is futile because life inevitably involves challenges. Instead of avoiding unhappiness, readers are encouraged to accept and manage it, understanding that negative emotions are part of the human experience. The chapter introduces the concept of balancing happiness through purpose, satisfaction, and enjoyment.

Managing Your Emotions

Oprah contributes her reflections on how emotions are signals from the brain and how we should view them as indicators for action, not as directives. The chapter dives into techniques for emotional regulation, focusing on the importance of self-awareness and cognitive reframing. By managing emotions like anger, fear, or frustration, one can foster a more balanced and peaceful mental state.

The Power of Metacognition

Metacognition, or thinking about thinking, is introduced as a critical tool for emotional control. The authors explain that while emotions can’t be prevented, our reactions to them can be managed. By stepping back and analyzing emotions as they arise, individuals can consciously choose healthier responses. This practice of self-reflection helps diminish the impact of negative emotions and strengthens emotional resilience.

Choose a Better Emotion

This chapter explores how actively choosing better emotions—such as replacing anger with gratitude—can transform one’s life. The authors emphasize that emotional well-being is within our control and that we can deliberately select which emotions to focus on. By developing a habit of selecting positive emotions over negative ones, readers can gradually reshape their emotional landscape.

Focus Less on Yourself

Happiness increases when people shift their focus outward—toward relationships, community, and service. The authors suggest that self-centeredness limits happiness and that a life centered on others is more fulfilling. By caring for others and engaging in selfless acts, individuals build meaningful connections that enrich their lives.

Build Your Imperfect Family

Family relationships are often imperfect, but they are crucial to one’s emotional well-being. This chapter discusses how to embrace imperfections within family dynamics while cultivating bonds of love and support. The authors provide strategies for improving communication and constructively resolving conflicts.

Friendship That Is Deeply Real

Friendships are vital to happiness, but they require effort and authenticity. This chapter emphasizes the value of deep, meaningful friendships over superficial ones. The authors explain how to build real connections by being vulnerable, supportive, and present in relationships, fostering a sense of belonging and trust.

Work That Is Love Made Visible

Work plays a significant role in one’s happiness. This chapter focuses on how to find meaning in your work by aligning it with your values and passions. The authors discuss how work can be a form of self-expression and how finding purpose in one’s job contributes to overall life satisfaction.

Find Your Amazing Grace

In this chapter, the authors explore the role of spirituality and gratitude in achieving happiness. Oprah shares personal experiences of finding grace in challenging moments, and the chapter encourages readers to cultivate gratitude and connect with something greater than themselves, whether through faith, nature, or personal reflection.

Conclusion: Now, Become the Teacher

The book concludes by encouraging readers to take what they have learned and share it with others. By becoming a source of happiness for others, one reinforces their emotional well-being. The act of teaching and sharing insights about happiness fosters a sense of purpose and contributes to lasting fulfillment.

About the Author:  Arthur C. Brooks – Oprah Winfrey

Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier
Author’s image source:

Arthur C. Brooks is a social scientist, professor at Harvard University, and author of several books, including From Strength to Strength. His work focuses on happiness, behavioral economics, and public policy. He contributes a regular column in The Atlantic titled “How to Build a Life,” which explores practical ways to achieve emotional well-being. Brooks’s journey with happiness is central to his writing, sharing how he has used research to elevate his own life.

Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier
Author’s image source:

Oprah Winfrey is an iconic media figure, philanthropist, and author, best known for The Oprah Winfrey Show, which ran for 25 years. Through her career, she has observed and engaged with countless stories of personal growth, resilience, and joy. Her lifelong pursuit of purpose and meaning has led her to advocate for self-improvement and inner peace through books, films, and media. Oprah’s collaboration with Brooks brings her experience with real human struggles into a larger, science-backed framework for achieving happiness.

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