Trump’s War His Battle for America Book Summary by Michael Savage

Trump's War His Battle for America Book Summary

Trump’s War His Battle for America presents a comprehensive analysis of Donald Trump’s presidency, presenting it as a series of critical battles against various political and societal adversaries. Savage delves into Trump’s conflicts with the political establishment, often referred to as “the swamp,” the media, and key policy opponents. He examines vital policy areas such as healthcare, immigration, military reform, and the economy, providing his perspectives and proposed solutions to address these challenges.

Trump’s War His Battle for America mixes political commentary with historical context and economic analysis, advocating for a conservative, nationalist agenda. Throughout, Savage critiques both the left and what he considers establishment Republicans, calling for decisive action to safeguard American culture, values, and sovereignty.

Book Summary Contents

What Are The Questions Trump’s War His Battle for America by Michael Savage Answers?

  • Who are the enemies within and how can they be defeated?
    • How can we fight the entrenched Establishment, including the corrupt media, violent agitators, and special interest groups?
  • How can the economy be fixed?
    • How do we reverse the trend of Wall Street benefitting while Main Street declines? How can we cut taxes, unshackle corporations, quit NAFTA, prioritize American workers, and rebuild infrastructure?
  • What is the solution to the failures of Obamacare?
    • How do we address the high demand and low supply in healthcare, and what does a realistic replacement for Obamacare look like to meet citizens’ needs?
  • How can the borders be secured?
    • How do we stop undocumented, unvetted immigrants from entering the country and build a border wall? How do we end sanctuary cities?
  • How can American culture be restored?
    • How do we combat the negative portrayal of American history and values in media and education? How can we restore civics education, abolish the Department of Education, and use the “bully pulpit” to preach Americanism?
  • How can the military be restored?
    • How do we restore military standards, end political correctness, eliminate social experimentation, ensure resources are allocated properly, and shift military spending from wasteful programs?
  • How can the war machine be defeated and peace achieved?
    • How do we avoid war with Russia, combat war propaganda, bring troops home, and defeat liberal warmongers and neoconservatives pushing for endless wars?
  • How can the Republican Party be reformed?
    • How do we punish “RINOs” (Republicans In Name Only) who do not represent the people, resist political corruption, and ensure the party focuses on serving the people?
  • How can real science be restored?
    • How can we ensure that scientific research is based on facts rather than political agendas, and how do we address the perceived dangers of environmental regulations while promoting conservative conservationism?
  • How can the First Amendment be defended?
    • How do we protect free speech from attacks by the left and prevent the government from suppressing dissent or using violence to promote certain messages? How do we protect religious freedom?
  • How can the Second Amendment be defended?
    • How do we address the root causes of mass shootings, such as radicalism, drugs, and mental health issues, to make communities safer?
  • How can the Deep State be defeated?
    • How do we recognize fake news, resist the influence of the intelligence community, and defeat the “Deep State” working to undermine Trump’s presidency?
  • How can the nation be restored?
    • How do we overcome the forces undermining Trump’s agenda and ensure the promises made to the American people are kept? How can we avoid becoming “True Believers” and offer constructive criticism while supporting Trump’s goals?

Trump’s War His Battle for America by Michael Savage Details & Statistics

Attribute Details
Publisher  Center Street (March 14, 2017)
Language English
Paperback 288 pages
ISBN-10 1478976675
ISBN-13 978-1478976677

Statistics of Trump’s War His Battle for America by Michael Savage

  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #895,998 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
  • Category Rankings:
    • #1,159 in United States Executive Government
    • #1,619 in Political Commentary & Opinion
    • #1,848 in Political Conservatism & Liberalism
  • Customer Reviews: ⭐ 4.7/5 (762 ratings)
  • Genres:
    • Politics
    • Nonfiction
    • Audiobook
    • Economics

Trump’s War His Battle for America by Michael Savage Quotes

  1. “Americans are at their best tackling the previously impossible, whether it is throwing off a tyrant or going to the moon.”

  2. “Listen to the people and you can’t go wrong.”

  3. “That first American Revolution was as much a revolution of ideas as political institutions, just like ours today.”

  4. “I will continue to do my job as a member of the Fourth Estate: to be a thorn in the government’s side, even Donald Trump’s government, if it goes off course.”

  5. “We need to stand behind Trump and, when necessary, hold his feet to the fire, to ensure the vital work gets done.”

  6. “What good is freedom if you don’t use it productively?”

  7. “Let the enemies of America beware. There is no longer an enabler in the house on Pennsylvania Avenue.”

  8. “Engage your brain before you engage your weapon.”

  9. “This is your day. This is your celebration. And this, the United States of America, is your country.”

  10. “We have it in our power to begin the world over again.”

  11. “The celebration ends today. It’s time to prepare for Trump’s War.”

  12. “We will be fighting an entrenched Establishment whose weapons of mass destruction are far more devious than those of King George III.”

  13. “The little people are smarter than the globalists figured.”

  14. “A true free market protects property rights and freedom of entry into the market for everyone.”

  15. “It motivates you to want to pull yourself up from the bottom of the labor scale. It’s that simple.”

  16. “The wall must be built and the borders secured.”

  17. “It’s no accident that the one thing the people want most, that is most in their interest, is the Trump policy facing the most resistance from the Establishment.”

  18. “We need to destroy ISIS and then we need to take a fresh look at every military deployment around the world.”

  19. “The most important thing in this world is not the economy. It’s peace.”

  20. “We must avoid becoming as equally intolerant as those on the left.”

Trump’s War His Battle for America by Michael Savage Table Of Contents



  • The Shot Heard Round the World
  • The Enemies Within
  • Draining the Swamp


  • Trade Traitors
  • Taxation and Regulation with Sellout Representation
  • Eddie Needs a Fair Minimum Wage
  • Infrastructure
  • The Forgotten Man
  • Turnpikes
  • An America-First Economy


  • Why Is Health Care So Expensive?
  • Breaking Even on Health Care Savings Is Not Enough
  • A Realistic Plan to Replace Obamacare


  • The New World War
  • Ancient Mass Population Changes
  • Build the Wall
  • The DREAM Is Over
  • Disease Imports Still on the Rise
  • How About Sanctuary for U.S. Citizens?


  • What Is Culture?
  • That’s Not Entertainment
  • Plato Warned Us
  • Trump’s War for Education
  • How Academia Is Poisoning Our Culture
  • The Bully Pulpit


  • Restoring the Purged Officers
  • Treat Our Battle-Injured, Not Sexually Confused
  • Restore Qualifications Standards in the Military
  • Restructure Military Spending


  • A Man of Peace
  • The Liberal Warmongers
  • The Neocons
  • The War Profiteers
  • The Battle Plan


  • The Party vs. the People
  • Republican Trade Traitors
  • A Wall or a Fence or a Virtual Wall?


  • Conservatism and Conservation
  • Why Conservatives Should Save the Whales
  • Not All Environmental Regulations Are Communist
  • Clean Up the NIH and CDC


  • The New Ministry of Truth
  • Soros’ Brownshirts
  • The Battle for Religious Freedom


  • All Quiet on the Gun Control Front—for Now
  • The True Causes of Mass Shootings
  • What About the Drugs?


  • Did Russia Really Hack the Election?
  • The Phony Honey Trap Story
  • Investigating the FBI
  • Can Liberals Read a Map?


  • Beware the True Believers
  • Savage Solutions


Trump’s War His Battle for America Book Summary

Chapter One: Trump’s War Against the Enemies Within

This chapter introduces the central theme of the book: Donald Trump’s battle against the “enemies within”. The conflict is framed as a modern continuation of the American Revolution.

Trump’s victory in the 2016 election is likened to the “shot heard round the world,” symbolizing a revolt against “tyrants and the smug intelligentsia.” The author notes the unrest among ordinary Americans—whom he calls “the Eddies and the Ediths”—and emphasizes the importance of Trump listening to their concerns.

The election is depicted as the beginning of an “eight-year war” against “armies of special interests” from both the left and the right. The entrenched establishment, according to the author, uses “corrupt media” and “violent agitators” to wage a psychological war, attempting to control public minds through political correctness, envy politics, and intimidation.

The author argues that Trump’s most significant challenge will be resisting the temptation to be absorbed into the Washington political system. He stresses that analysis alone won’t suffice, and that it will take the power of the “Savage Nation” to truly make a difference.

Chapter Two: Trump’s Economic War

This chapter explores Trump’s economic policies and his fight against “trade traitors.” The author claims that trade agreements such as NAFTA and TPP are not about free trade, but rather about granting special privileges to government-connected interests.

The author critiques the loss of manufacturing jobs due to these agreements, which have been replaced by welfare programs. He argues that the tax code is “rigged,” with loopholes that favor corporations.

The tax code is over seventy thousand pages long, according to the author, who proposes a flat 20% tax rate for all, including government pensioners, the disabled, and hedge fund managers. He advocates for an “America-First Economy,” sharply criticizing the socialist rhetoric of the Democrats and arguing that Trump’s tax plan will benefit the middle class by reducing the headline rate to 15%.

While recognizing that corporations are not inherently evil, the author argues that the current system is stacked against them, benefiting those who can afford to send an army of lobbyists to Washington. He critiques Roosevelt’s “forgotten man,” arguing that the real forgotten man is the taxpayer. Though not a Republican loyalist, the author acknowledges the potential downsides of privatization.

Chapter Three: Trump’s War to Repeal Obamacare

This chapter delves into the issues with Obamacare and Trump’s efforts to repeal and replace it. The author questions why healthcare is so expensive, citing factors like “crony capitalist FDA” interference. He highlights the Republicans’ divided approach to replacing Obamacare.

The author criticizes inefficiencies in medical practices, such as the repetitive collection of insurance information. He argues that government regulations, licensing requirements, and the FDA artificially limit the supply of healthcare.

Using the EpiPen scandal as an example, the author illustrates how the FDA restricts competition. He advocates for an “adversarial commissioner of food and drugs” to reduce unnecessary regulations and suggests that the government should focus on running a surplus to reduce the national debt. The chapter also proposes a co-pay system to reduce frivolous doctor visits.

Chapter Four: Trump’s War for Our Borders

This chapter focuses on border security, framing it as a battle against “ancient mass population changes” and the risks of imported diseases. The author draws parallels with the Babylonian exile, suggesting that mass deportations have historical precedents.

The author notes that Trump requested all documents related to border wall construction and criticizes Obama for undermining the rule of law by granting clemency to children brought into the country illegally.

The author claims that both political parties have allowed the spread of diseases through illegal immigration. While Democrats favor multiculturalism, Republicans seek cheap labor. He argues, “Public Health 101: Don’t let the disease in.” He also advocates for quarantines for people arriving from high-risk countries and criticizes sanctuary cities for refusing to comply with federal immigration laws.

Chapter Five: Trump’s Culture Wars

This chapter examines the importance of culture and the need to restore American values. The author defines culture as “Borders, Language, Culture.”

He argues that the Constitution is a result of culture, not the other way around and that for much of its history, America was a socially conservative nation based on Judeo-Christian morality, the Protestant work ethic, and patriotism.

The author laments the decline of these values, noting that the wealthy are vilified while licentiousness is celebrated. He criticizes the education system for abandoning the classics and replacing them with politically correct messages, citing the shift from “Plato’s Republic” to “Donny Has Two Daddies.”

The chapter advocates for reintroducing civics classes and critiques the progressive viewpoint that justifies terrorism and seeks to destroy Western civilization, aligning with radical Islamists. It also contrasts current black activism with the leadership of past civil rights icons.

Chapter Six: Trump’s War to Restore the Military

This chapter addresses the need to restore the military, criticizing the Obama administration for purging officers and lowering standards. The author emphasizes that the military should prioritize taking care of battle-injured personnel over accommodating social experiments.

The author criticizes the military’s focus on political correctness, particularly issues like transgender service members and gender reassignment surgeries. He supports James Mattis as Secretary of Defense and advocates for restoring qualification standards in the military.

The chapter also critiques military spending, specifically the flawed F-35 fighter jet, which “can’t turn, can’t climb, can’t run” and costs $1.3 trillion. The author points out issues with faulty rifle sights used by US Special Operations Units and fraud in the production of combat helmets.

Chapter Seven: Trump’s War Against the War Machine

This chapter argues that Trump is a “man of peace” battling the “war machine,” composed of “liberal warmongers” and “neocons.” The author claims the war machine is driven by profit-seeking war profiteers.

The author argues that these factions, along with the media, will always push for more war. He describes neocons as globalists who prioritize the interests of multinational corporations and critiques their lack of concern for honoring commitments to Russia.

The author calls for the US to destroy ISIS and leave the Middle East while reassessing all overseas military commitments.

Chapter Eight: Trump’s War Against the RINOs

This chapter focuses on Trump’s conflict with “RINOs” (Republicans In Name Only). The author criticizes the Republican Party establishment for not representing the people.

He argues that many Republicans are “Republican trade traitors” who do not support Trump’s economic policies. The chapter questions whether the proposed wall will truly be built, or if it will be a fence or a virtual barrier.

The author contends that the Republican establishment is part of the “swamp” and will oppose Trump at every turn.

Chapter Nine: Trump’s War to Restore Real Science

This chapter critiques the politicization of science, particularly regarding climate change, and advocates for “real science.” The author claims the global warming narrative is a hoax designed for “international wealth redistribution.”

Discussing Vostok ice core samples, the author argues they prove CO2 is not the primary cause of global warming, noting that increases in CO2 have historically occurred after temperature rises. He believes the scientific community is biased due to government funding.

The chapter discusses the author’s credentials as an environmentalist and criticizes the brutal hunting of whales while acknowledging that not all environmental regulations are problematic.

Chapter Ten: Trump’s War for the First Amendment

This chapter emphasizes the importance of defending free speech, praising Jefferson’s principled stance. The author critiques the media for spreading “fake news” and notes that Trump has made a principled defense of the press while calling out their dishonesty.

He accuses the Obama administration of creating a “Ministry of Truth” to target “foreign propaganda” and warns that the establishment may seek to censor his radio show. The author distinguishes between free speech and violence, stating that violent actions, such as throwing bricks, do not fall under First Amendment protections.

The author argues that Soros uses lies to deceive the public and critiques the progressive movement’s attempts to remove religious references from public spaces, claiming it misinterprets the First Amendment.

Chapter Eleven: Trump’s War for the Second Amendment

This chapter focuses on the right to bear arms and critiques liberal efforts to exploit tragedies to push gun control. The author discusses the media’s attempt to blame shootings like the Fort Lauderdale airport attack on guns or mental illness, without acknowledging the shooter’s ties to radical Islam.

The chapter also addresses the media narrative surrounding Adam Lanza and the tragedy at Sandy Hook, questioning the focus on psychotropic drugs and the failure of his mother to comply with medical advice.

Chapter Twelve: Trump’s War Against the Deep State

This chapter introduces the concept of the “Deep State,” describing it as a culture, not a conspiracy. The author contrasts American values of individual liberty and Judeo-Christian principles with the collectivist, multicultural, and hedonistic values of the globalist agenda.

He argues that the Russia election hacking narrative is a ploy to undermine Trump’s legitimacy. The author contends that the DNI report on Russian cyberattacks is unreliable and claims the FBI was not allowed to examine the DNC server directly.

The author asserts that Russia is guilty only of leaking the truth, not of hacking voting machines, and compares the media’s dishonesty to the “settled science” narrative on global warming. He also critiques Obama’s actions in Poland and the potential for provoking a war with Russia.

Chapter Thirteen: The Battle Plan 

The author reflects on the monumental struggle that Trump faces, positioning it as an ideological battle not only for the preservation of America’s founding principles but also as a broader conflict in the Western world. He asserts that the momentum Trump has created should be harnessed for future victories.

Drawing from historical references, the author likens Trump’s presidency to a last stand against the encroachment of globalist forces, emphasizing that the stakes are too high for complacency. He stresses the need for vigilance and proactive action, urging Americans to stand with Trump as he navigates through opposition from both external and internal forces.

The final chapter ends with a rousing call to arms for Americans to join the movement, underscoring that this is a time of political revolution, not merely a political term. The author encourages active participation, dismissing passive support as insufficient for the mission ahead.

The author concludes by reinforcing the idea that Trump’s leadership is part of a divine plan, marking his rise as a victory for populism against the oligarchical systems. This symbolic ending calls readers to be part of the movement, making it clear that the ideological battle Trump represents is far from over and will require the collective effort of those who believe in his vision.

About the Author: Michael Savage

Trump's War His Battle for America Book Summary
Author’s image source:

Dr. Michael Savage is a leading voice in the conservative movement, recognized for his influential media presence. With ten million weekly listeners, he ranks as the third most-listened-to-conservative talk show host in the U.S. His impact was acknowledged by The Telegraph, which named him one of the most influential conservatives in America.

A prolific author, Dr. Savage has penned 25 books, including four New York Times bestsellers. His contributions to the media earned him the prestigious Freedom of Speech Award from Talkers magazine in 2007.

Academically accomplished, he holds a Ph.D. in epidemiology and nutrition sciences from the University of California, Berkeley, along with master’s degrees in medical botany and medical anthropology. Beyond politics, he is a dedicated conservationist, a proud patriot, and deeply committed to his family.

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